Saturday, June 6, 2009


Today Beckhwa and I went to Myeong-dong which is basically a shopping area. It was my first time using the subway system here, which I was sort of worrying about at first. However, it turned out being a lot easier than I thought. The stations were all really clean and it was pretty easy navigating from Sinchon to Myeong-dong. Going to Myeong-dong today definitely helped me to build up some confidence in using the subways. Hopefully we can explore new areas soon!

Myeong-dong was pretty crowded and filled with vendors in the walkways. Most of the merchandise was for women, as every cosmetic shop had two female workers standing outside the stores forcefully pulling women passing by into their shops. Luckily, I'm more interested in food than I am cosmetics, and we managed to get these huge ice cream cones for 1,000 won (about $1).

While we explored this particular shopping district, we were also absorbing all of the Korean language around us. From using signs to catching a conversation from the people next to us to asking people to take our picture, we practiced and soaked up all of the Korean surrounding us.

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